South African Law Reports: 1947 to 2021 December bound from Inception 1947 Volume 1 to 2020 Volume 1

The South African Law Reports is the premier repository of South African judicial jurisprudence and the most widely referred to source of primary legal precedent in South Africa. Published since 1947, the South African Law Reports has an extensive network of reporters. Judgments are published in the language in which they were initially delivered. Judgments are carefully selected and edited by the editors of the South African Law Reports who produce flynotes, headnotes, legislative references and case annotations.

  • Decisions of the following Courts:
    • Constitutional Court
    • Supreme Court of Appeal
    • High Courts
    • Labour and Labour Appeal Court
    • Land Claims Court
    • Competition Appeal Court
    • Electoral Court
    • Zimbabwe High and Supreme Courts
    • Namibian High and Supreme Courts

Note: The Beauty of the Set is that it is Annotated from Inception to the year 2016. There you are!! You have References to other Cases.